Ehrenkranz Partners LP


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Ehrenkranz Partners LP
CRD #131728
SEC #801-63200
AUM $16.6 BB (2023-03-10)
Employees 38 (34% Investors, 0% Brokers)
Address375 Park Ave
New York, NY 10152
Source [IAPD] [Website] [LinkedIn]
Total AUM ($BB)
Type Form D Funds Date Sold ($MM) AUM ($MM)
PE EP Acquisition Fund LP - Class F2 2023-03-09 32.7
PE EP Acquisition Fund LP - Class G 2023-03-09 130.5
PE EP Private Credit Strategies Two LP 2023-03-09 156.7
PE EP Acquisition Fund LP - Class F [2022-03-10] 40.3 40.7
PE PSF Partners Two LP [2022-03-10] 74.4 81.8
RE EP Acquisition Fund LP - Class E [2021-03-12] 41.8 66.3
PE EP Acquisition Fund LP - Class B [2020-03-10] 128.7 147.9
Other EP Private Credit Strategies LP [2020-03-10] 139.9 117.1
Other EP Acquisition Fund LP - Class D [2019-02-28] 6.4 197.3
PE EP Acquisition Fund LP - Class A [2015-01-30] 6.4 95.1
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AUM Breakdown Accounts AUM ($BB)
By Client Type
(a) Individuals (other than high net worth individuals) 0 0.0
(b) Individuals (high net worth individuals) 152 15.0
(c) Banking or thrift institutions 0 0.0
(d) Investment companies 0 0.0
(e) Business development companies 0 0.0
(f) Pooled investment vehicles 10 1.1
(g) Pension and profit sharing plans 0 0.0
(h) Charitable organizations 1 0.0
(i) State or municipal government entities 0 0.0
(j) Other investment advisers 1 0.2
(k) Insurance companies 1 0.1
(l) Sovereign wealth funds and foreign official institutions 0 0.0
(m) Corporations or other businesses not listed above 0 0.0
(n) Other 3 0.2
Total 168 16.6
By Discretionary
Discretionary 14 1.4
Non-Discretionary 154 15.2
Total 168 16.6
By Non-United States Persons
Non-United States Persons 0.6
United States Persons 16.0
Total 168 16.6
Form D Directors # Filings # Firms 2011 - 2024
Patrick Shaw 47
Kurt Dudas 45
Andrew Sommers 43
Sanford Ehrenkranz 43
Joel Ehrenkranz 42
John Ehrenkranz 40
Related Firms State AUM ($BB)
Ehrenkranz Partners LP
NY 16.6
E Capital Management LP
NY 4.3
E&E Advisors LP
NY 1.0
Comparable Firms State AUM ($BB)
Tiedemann Advisors LLC
NY 22.4
Offit Capital Advisors LLC
NY 16.1
Mai Capital Management LLC
OH 15.8
Oxford Financial Group Ltd
IN 15.6
Summit Trail Advisors LLC
NY 14.5
Jordan Park Group LLC
CA 13.7
Boylston Advisors LP
MA 11.3
Gresham Partners LLC
IL 9.5
Gerber/Taylor Management LLC
TN 9.2
Gordian Capital Singapore Private Limited
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