- AUM Metrics Analysis
Due Diligence for Asset Managers |
Analyze the public filings of asset managers Dive into the EDGAR, IAPD, CAFR source data
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Firm |
AUM ($BB) |
Sectors |
The Vanguard Group Inc
7,909.8 |
Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC
3,964.4 |
BlackRock Fund Advisors
3,047.3 |
Capital Research and Management Company
2,936.6 |
Pacific Investment Management Company LLC
2,615.9 |
JP Morgan Investment Management Inc
2,549.1 |
T Rowe Price Associates Inc
1,752.3 |
Goldman Sachs Asset Management LP
1,661.3 |
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC
1,402.4 |
BlackRock Financial Management Inc
1,288.5 |
Wellington Management Company LLP
1,282.7 |
Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith Incorporated
1,271.6 |
Charles Schwab Investment Management Inc
1,098.8 |
Geode Capital Management LLC
1,062.8 |
Northern Trust Investments Incorporated
1,016.6 |
1,014.7 |
SSGA Funds Management Inc
1,014.3 |
BlackRock Advisors LLC
869.7 |
CapFinancial Partners LLC
852.2 |
Strategic Advisers LLC
824.7 |
Fidelity Personal and Workplace Advisors LLC
818.8 |
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP
749.6 |
Invesco Advisers Inc
746.3 |
UBS Financial Services Inc
702.4 |
Edward D Jones & Co LP
692.2 |
Managed Account Advisors LLC
691.9 |
Mellon Investments Corporation
674.2 |
AllianceBernstein LP
651.5 |
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC
558.5 |
Invesco Capital Management LLC
545.5 |
Prev |
Page 1 |
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