DFT Energy LP


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DFT Energy LP
CRD #284002
SEC #801-108027
CIK #0001688235
Employees 5 (80% Investors, 0% Brokers)
Address381 Lattingtown Road
Locust Valley, NY 11560
Source [IAPD] [EDGAR]
Total AUM ($MM)
Type Form D Funds Date Sold ($MM) AUM ($MM)
HF The Dorset Energy Fund Limited [2012-02-09] 66.5 104.3
AUM Breakdown Accounts AUM ($MM)
By Client Type
(a) Individuals (other than high net worth individuals) 0 0.0
(b) Individuals (high net worth individuals) 0 0.0
(c) Banking or thrift institutions 0 0.0
(d) Investment companies 0 0.0
(e) Business development companies 0 0.0
(f) Pooled investment vehicles 1 104.3
(g) Pension and profit sharing plans 0 0.0
(h) Charitable organizations 0 0.0
(i) State or municipal government entities 0 0.0
(j) Other investment advisers 0 0.0
(k) Insurance companies 0 0.0
(l) Sovereign wealth funds and foreign official institutions 0 0.0
(m) Corporations or other businesses not listed above 0 0.0
(n) Other 0 0.0
Total 1 104.3
By Discretionary
Discretionary 1 104.3
Non-Discretionary 0 0.0
Total 1 104.3
By Non-United States Persons
Non-United States Persons 104.3
United States Persons 0.0
Total 1 104.3
Form D Directors # Filings # Firms 2011 - 2024
John Collis 89
Thomas Davis 53
Neil Glass 19
William Thomson 21
Geoffrey Lewis 21
Robert Rans 10
Ronald Lake 11
Dennie Boardman 10
Optima Management Partners LP 6
EDGAR Form CIK 2011 - 2024
13F-HR [0001688235]
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