Lockheed Martin Investment Management Co


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Lockheed Martin Investment Management Co
CRD #109093
SEC #801-56611
CIK #0000936468, 0000897599
Address6705 Rockledge Drive
Bethesda, MD 20817-1814
Source [IAPD] [EDGAR]
Total AUM ($BB)
Sector Form 13F Holdings Cap ($BB) Value ($BB)
AAPL 2,382.8 0.1
MSFT 1,918.2 0.1
AMZN 1,093.0 0.0
DBC 0.0
GOOGL 1,475.1 0.0
XOM 385.5 0.0
JPM 340.2 0.0
NVDA 399.6 0.0
DIS 174.7 0.0
PNC 66.1 0.0
View All
Holdings by Sector ($BB)
AUM Breakdown Accounts AUM ($BB)
By Client Type
(a) Individuals (other than high net worth individuals) 0 0.0
(b) Individuals (high net worth individuals) 0 0.0
(c) Banking or thrift institutions 0 0.0
(d) Investment companies 0 0.0
(e) Business development companies 0 0.0
(f) Pooled investment vehicles 0 0.0
(g) Pension and profit sharing plans 0 0.0
(h) Charitable organizations 0 0.0
(i) State or municipal government entities 0 0.0
(j) Other investment advisers 0 0.0
(k) Insurance companies 0 0.0
(l) Sovereign wealth funds and foreign official institutions 0 0.0
(m) Corporations or other businesses not listed above 0 0.0
(n) Other 0 0.0
Total 142 38.4
By Discretionary
Discretionary 142 38.4
Non-Discretionary 0 0.0
Total 142 38.4
By Non-United States Persons
Non-United States Persons 0.0
United States Persons 38.4
Total 142 38.4
EDGAR Form CIK 2011 - 2024
13F-HR [0000897599]
3 [0000897599]
SC 13G [0000897599]
10-K [0000936468]
10-Q [0000936468]
13F-HR [0000936468]
3 [0000936468]
4 [0000936468]
8-K [0000936468]
SC 13D [0000936468]
SC 13G [0000936468]
Form 13D/13G Filer Form 13D/13G Subject Filed
Lockheed Martin Investment Management Co TCW Direct Lending VIII LLC [2023-02-10]
Lockheed Martin Corp Terran Orbital Corp [2022-11-09]
Lockheed Martin Corp Terran Orbital Corp [2022-03-31]
Lockheed Martin Investment Management Co SL Investment Corp [2021-04-01]
State Street Corp Lockheed Martin Corp [2021-02-12]
State Street Corp Lockheed Martin Corp [2020-02-14]
State Street Corp Lockheed Martin Corp [2019-02-13]
Lockheed Martin Investment Management Co TCW Direct Lending VII LLC [2018-05-11]
State Street Corp Lockheed Martin Corp [2018-02-14]
Lockheed Martin Investment Management Co School Specialty Inc [2017-07-12]
View All
Form 3/4/5 Subject 2011 - 2024
Lockheed Martin Corp
Hill Stephanie C.
Donovan John
Ellis James O Jr
Hollub Vicki A.
Gordon Ilene S
Burritt David B
Cahill Timothy S
Scott Evan T
Lavan Maryanne
View All
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