Neuberger Berman Asia Limited


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Neuberger Berman Asia Limited
CRD #154286
SEC #801-71669
CIK #0001640762
AUM $6.1 BB (2023-03-31)
Employees 63 (33% Investors, 2% Brokers)
Address20th Floor, Jardine House
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Source [IAPD] [EDGAR] [Website] [Twitter] [LinkedIn]
Total AUM ($BB)
Sector Form 13F Holdings Cap ($BB) Value ($BB)
MSFT 1,918.2 3.4
AAPL 2,382.8 2.9
JPM 340.2 1.7
AMZN 1,093.0 1.4
NEE 150.2 1.4
JNJ 465.6 1.2
TMUS 166.8 1.1
GOOG 1,482.6 1.0
GOOGL 1,475.1 1.0
ADI 77.2 0.9
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Holdings by Sector ($BB)
Type Form D Funds Date Sold ($MM) AUM ($MM)
HF Neuberger Berman China Equity Master Fund 2017-06-20 2.1
Other Neuberger Berman China A Share Fund 2013-02-25 124.2
HF PM Manager Fund SPC - Segregated Portfolio 26 [2012-03-30] 89.5 160.0
AUM Breakdown Accounts AUM ($BB)
By Client Type
(a) Individuals (other than high net worth individuals) 0 0.0
(b) Individuals (high net worth individuals) 0 0.0
(c) Banking or thrift institutions 0 0.0
(d) Investment companies 0 0.0
(e) Business development companies 0 0.0
(f) Pooled investment vehicles 5 1.9
(g) Pension and profit sharing plans 0 0.0
(h) Charitable organizations 0 0.0
(i) State or municipal government entities 0 0.0
(j) Other investment advisers 0 0.0
(k) Insurance companies 9 2.1
(l) Sovereign wealth funds and foreign official institutions 7 2.0
(m) Corporations or other businesses not listed above 0 0.0
(n) Other 1 0.0
Total 22 6.1
By Discretionary
Discretionary 22 6.1
Non-Discretionary 0 0.0
Total 22 6.1
By Non-United States Persons
Non-United States Persons 6.1
United States Persons 0.0
Total 22 6.1
Form D Directors # Filings # Firms 2011 - 2024
Michelle WilsonClarke 272
Kevin Williams 125
Charles Nightingale 43
James Rankin 84
EDGAR Form CIK 2011 - 2024
13F-NT [0001640762]
Related Firms State AUM ($BB)
Neuberger Berman Investment Advisers LLC
NY 315.3
Neuberger Berman Europe Limited
Neuberger Berman Singapore PTE Limited
Neuberger Berman Loan Advisers LLC
IL 6.3
Neuberger Berman Asia Limited
Neuberger Berman Breton Hill ULC
A6 0.0
Neuberger Berman BD LLC
NY 0.0
Neuberger Berman Asset Management LLC
NY 0.0
Neuberger Berman Management LLC
NY 0.0
Comparable Firms State AUM ($BB)
Grandeur Peak Global Advisors LLC
UT 6.2
Ironwood Capital Management Corp
CA 6.2
Glenview Capital Management LLC
NY 6.2
Eisler Capital US LLC
NY 6.1
Deer Park Road Management Company LP
CO 6.1
RiverNorth Capital Management LLC
FL 6.0
Owl Rock Diversified Advisors LLC
NY 6.0
Overlook Investments Limited
Overlook Investments LP
Aspect Capital Limited
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